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Dustin The Destroyer
Jan 2013
Little Light [Lovedrunk Rough Draft]
I've grown accustomed to the feeling
of never being able to rest
I fall asleep, troubled
and wake too soon
to the dramas
of life and death
[I thought I transcended
this a long time ago]
but, surprise!
there is more to learn
more work to do
There is another corner to turn
that will give me better grip,
[i tell myself this and believe it]
all of this is for the best....
the way I get caught up
every time a star shines
brighter than my soul
I forget everything and
I am one in the light
and darkness
I am an innocent child
in the arms of the mother
once again
Hoping, Praying
that the goddess will
wake up
to a new world
and claim an equal throne
to stop the destruction and madness
of the martian mindset
This red stained rusted map
proves nothing
All the warrior needs
is love
And we will give it
So that maybe, like them
we will stumble across
the reflection of ourselves,
as honest and true
as possible
And we will not censor
ourselves, through
brightest light
and darkest dark
We will not hide a single aspect
of ourselves
and I will gladly admit that half the time
I am a demon
Born of pride and power
And half the time
I try to find my wings
and live beyond the limits
of what I see in front
of me
I never believed my eyes
. . . not once
But I always believed
these chaos nights
of liquid despair
and makeshift relation
meant something more
I always held the belief that
I'd get where I was going
regardless of distraction
But now I'm not so sure
Because now I feel the pressure
of eternity in the checks and balances
of the dual toned grid
in which we all lie down
and sleep
in silent surrender
resigned to my fate-
I am the child
throwing his hands up
in the air
I am the moon
surrendering to the sun
"this little light of mine
was never my own
to shine"
It always belonged to the future
The dead souls
The great sages
and fountains of wisdom
that the world has yet to see
For she has yet to birth them
And she has yet to feel me. . .
The goddess of ideals and perfected imagination
who will wake up as I do
And look into my eyes
And realize
We've both been dreaming
for far too long
Written by
Dustin The Destroyer
I live in your head
(I live in your head)
Weeping willow
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