Arsiana - solo est valentis expectabo domum redire,
redire et domum, Arsiana.
Solo est caonillum neo,
e momentum:
stella vivere, vivere stella ecridia
Memento, Arsiana?
Memento incredia axare?
Millenia veo amorphia et inma caonillum, Arsiana.
Qualentis elara nobis in monti streo caenma
Aeonis, aeonia, arinme:
Onmia et estera.
Memento, Arsiana?
This is the original form of the poem and it's written on Ancient Latin language. I have translated it on my mother language (Bulgarian). I think, the poem is still beautiful in her real form. Sometimes even when you don't understand what it means, you can feel it through the words. I'm working on the english translation as well.