Everything fell on wednesday 24 books, 7k words, 2 exams. My phone starts buzzing at 4am. I shut off the alarm and roll out of bed. This report wasn't going to write itself Mere hours to jot down thousands and thousands of letters and make it something passing. After three libraries and 8 of the most stressful hours of my life I finished it on time. "What takes these mortals months I made in one morning." I thought to myself, the master procrastinator.
I still had 2 exams to get through. No appetite food but an extreme hunger to not be a failure Exam one, finished, killed it. I had a few hours until my next exam. A great time to go to the cafeteria Or.. I could sell some blood to fund my **** addiction... 20 minutes later I am donating blood on a less than empty stomach with my laptop out studyig for my exam. The *****, toothless man next to me was laughing at the sight of a lap top in the blood clinic. I facetiously grinned back, thinking, dontbecomehim keep*******studying I studied my *** off, and i was able to finish the exam before the others.