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Dustin The Destroyer
Jan 2013
Dreams and Desires in Samsara
Alternating baskets of good fruit and bad fruit
the seeds are what we're after
and all we ever wanted
was a tree
to come to time after time and
have to call our own
the fruit is sweet as wine
intoxicating as sweet time
taking us away to a different place
while the world moves past us
outside the window of the car
it never feels as fast as it is
we slow down to accomodate
the feelings we're feeling
the dreamings we're dreaming
and the road keeps insinuating itself
under our wheels
another day
another dollar
and we hope the destination is worth it
I'm just trying to find a ride to work
so I'll have something to do today
and something to drink in two weeks
I suppose that's the farthest I'll look ahead from now on
That and the party that I know will happen on
such and such a date
Two weeks spent waiting
and slaving
for a paycheck trophy
that opens up the doors
of the convenience store
And I'll move in among the crowd
Purchase an egg sandwich
and a pack of smokes
and go along with the eternal drama
for one more day
I'd love to be on the outskirts right now,
when I have to do the grunt work
I'd love to be on the edge of the galaxy
watching it all spin and spiral
from afar
Appreciating the grand scheme of things
[This is key to my existence]
and I can easily get caught up
in the stubborn sighs
and drunken claims
but at the end of the day
I sit, and I wait
for the master plan to reveal itself
for the chance to say hello
to the person I think I am
for the chance to fall in love
just one more time
for the ocean to swallow me up
and tell me it's okay
to feel the way I feel
and that everything I do
is for the best
and I'll be nurtured by waves so sincere
and I'll be sure of myself for one more day
and I won't **** up the master plan
with incoherent human ramblings
on destiny and the way things have gone
and will go in the future
Do me a favor dear,
don't listen to a single thing I say
because I don't know a thing
and I know it
Just rock me to sleep so gently. . .
So slow that neither of us notice
the motion of the earth
spinning through space
So slow
that everything stands still
and I can finally rest
Written by
Dustin The Destroyer
I live in your head
(I live in your head)
Catrina Sparrow
Holly W
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