But for no fault of theirs, Left to circumstances around them, Shaped by influences that took 'em in, Ultimately cast into mold of ne'er-do-wells;
Backs turned on reason, Facing a life of cold embraces, No warm meals, Bondless, mere statistic;
They have chosen the path, To pay in misery's kind, Dish out as much, Leave them a taste of they got;
This is the language of their existence, To engage in violent agitation, Disobedience pays living stipend, Opulent lifestyle funded by militancy.
Many of Nigeria's young never have never felt the presence of a caring government in their lives. All they have ever known is lack and impoverishment. The things that make life meaningful to them were never affordable and nobody except their weather beaten parents seemed care about them, that is if they did at all. Abandoned to fate, they latch unto any means that will give them desirable ends