Sailing through purple skies unhindered And breathe crystal snowflake frosted air Floated past the mysterious Weeping Mountains And yellow forests called Warlocks Fair
Trembling Wandered the underworld Drunk with false courage from Cretan wine Leapt bravely from star to star Journeyed through red starred scattered galaxies Witnessing the birth and death of time
The finality of the forever feared tolling The ringing of deaths solemn bell Conjured this was in my mind quite carefully For I am she who tells the tale
Commanding the heavens and the earth with my pen To me the four winds bow low and kneel The water robed river nymphs pirouette Wild horned stags vault high to my music You must admit the scene quite captivating and surreal
The moon kiss my cheek with shy affection Apollo grace me with a sunburst arrow of gold Syrian lotus seed the door to the universe Held tightly in small clutching hands Where lies stories soon to be told
She who tells the tale Sprung from blood of ancient lands Portraying in ink and script The dark images of man.