you have harpooned me launched your sphere deep beyond the surface of my flesh you created your own tunnel in a cave unexplored i have become lacerated the harpoon pulls my skin upon removal like a cobweb slowly being peeled off of a neglected wall red dye drips at my feet, dye rich with iron, dye displaying a pigment of vermillion i think 'I needed my shoes coloured anyways..' as my vision fades in and out images become blurry, losing their fine, defined borders becoming obscure visions resembling underdeveloped photos in the dark room to let go and let my soul linger freely, perhaps this was the cure all along
perhaps i should yank that harpoon free fling it back to the source which it came with my own two hands and two eyes aim wind back release one measly cut will not define who i am I am victorious and my soul is with me here. to stay.
this is not really about my *****. never hurt others , just make sure you're not hurt in the process.