White violets in the window Scarlett leaves tumble across the mossy hidden stones mound beneath a chilly winter's dawn
A cold wind bares the dogwood tree where puffed out plumaged woodpecker gleans on creations' plump red bounties, beheld subsistence beget for feral wings
Bright crimson fattened rose hips season, lingering in the frigid morning dew; stirring warm memories of fruitlet tea's steeped from gathered garden magic spells A spoonful of love and raw honey mellowed a life once so lovingly endeared
Hot Blueberry dutch-oven scratch biscuits imbue the wafting fragrant air — life's cherished moments tarry in the head and heart; sipped by ruby lips still tasting the untamable passion of a breathless goodnight kiss
White violets blossom in the window the morning fire's crackle echoes a pining memories' gentle whisper awakened by the incoming wintertide
A dulcet breeze not soon forgotten — melancholy traces linger like a passing season's swan song