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Dec 2018
If only we could change,
the fate that was ours.
If only we could turn,
back the days and hours.

If only we could heal,
the scars deep beneath.
How nice it would have been,
if those moments we could relive.

If that pain could be hidden,
under that pretty smile.
If only our heart,
could narrate how it feels.

Then we could laugh,
under the sheet of stars
And then our smiles,
would mingle with our tears.
And long gone will be
our fears and inhibitions.

And then the dead would live,
for old times sake.
Perhaps then we could give,
the love that we could never take.
Ananya Dubey
Written by
Ananya Dubey  18/F/New Delhi, India
(18/F/New Delhi, India)   
       Weeping willow and Logan Robertson
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