There is such a thing as the Hollywood Blonde They all seem to know one another Each one thinks that They Alone are the most sublime The most inspirational The Musiest
Like Water Nymphs They form their group instinctively The Hollywood Blonde And if you are a Brunette, say Or Chinese I know one and she has the most magnificent ******* Nevertheless Irregardless the facts The husband and the house The hotels and private jets Know Know that those Hollywood Blondes will do a lot of stuff Without you dear one “Sorry” they will shrug They swim And dine And gather together Luminously And will let you know after The Fact Even movies Or just returning phone calls
Why do they form the horde? Perhaps they really are genetically special. Why do they pride themselves in their isolation? A mystery still. Courtesan? Geisha? Cheerleader? Mystery Side-Piece? Wife? Ex-wife? Widow? Oh yes. Is it an unknowable path that they are on? A hero’s quest in a bottle of peroxide? Applied every three weeks. I’d like to think so. I wish that they would share what they know.
But we already know. A mind is not necessary although helpful Chic? No. You can wear anything. A steady, warrantied beauty? No No just hair the color of wheat Or a corn tortilla It’s never spun gold No matter What you’ve read.
36 18 33 Are Barbie’s measurements Can you imagine the pressure. When the lines appear and it’s over?