Sun up to Sun down You would often see me write in my living room being found I come from a small town But on this particular day, I had no ideas to write I don’t know if it was fright It might have been a temporary writing block in a moment plight But let me catch my breath over the shock I am determined ready or not Suddenly, ideas began to pop into my head This was my moment to write and not hesitate instead My words literally jumped from my head and onto the paper I was writing as if it was a caper I was totally motivated and full with appreciate For Heaven’s sake My writing has an illustrate Moon’s ago I was a vision from a dream There was no danger by any means I lived and was taken care of by Wolves I learned to eat and protect myself It was living in nature survive I began too embrace with nature in the all outdoors It didn’t matter to the Wolves if that I was human with two fours It was an embracing affair full of love Now that I was a Full Gown adult, it was time to move on and tell the Wolves Good-Bye The Wolves howled in not wanting me to leave I hugged each Wolf My appreciation for survival was the proof As I looked at that forest in never to return I will never forget my roots My question came to mind in what did I learn? Devotion and kindness for the woods dedicated This is my dedicated story being the actual witness My life was with what it was supposed too be My own eyes I did see Thank you Wolves for inviting and enlightening me The forest taught me always to reflect and come back My writing showed me, “Imagine That” This poem is dedicated to all Poet’s and Writer’s all around the world in being a fact Poet’s Diary full of momentum Yet active in a writing voice My tomorrow came quick This will always stick Write on and continue to write on.