I feel like maybe... I just get bored. If it doesn't get mixed up like a mixed tape- Wait, Nobody listens to mixed tapes anymore.
Maybe it's the unknowing? The nail biting edge to a horror flick? The moment right before you jump? Maybe if it's not like that then...
There's a hundred ways to keep me entertained, But I also like to be the entertainer- I mean, I am the person who will tell the story the long way Or drive a different way home for a change of direction. I don't really like shortcuts; UnlessΒ Β it's for a computer program, And even then I'll take the long way.
I think I like the challenge. There's something about pushing every bit- Holding my breath until I burst for air- Filling the cup until its about to overfill... I mean, I like details- but I hate oil paints- And I like little forks- But prefer a bigger spoon- And if you were to ask me my favorite song... I wouldn't have one- Because it changes too much.
I think my mind just races And it's not a marathon because their is no winner This is more like a treadmill- It keeps you in the same spot but you somehow make progress It's like a moment when your about to kiss for the very first time- scared as hell that its not right; But wanting so badly for it to be perfect... The chemistry, The make up, The right timing... That's the way I see the world. Just sometimes, I get bored.