Of course when your southern tipped - tongue drips out the words "I want to move up north" everyone whose roots reach deep below the belt of the Mason Dixon will ****** your face in their gaze and warn you bout that Northern Disregard.
But don't listen to their tales of discarded homeless people plastered cross pavement. Tell them bout those who find home amongst the clutter of 125th with warm eyes that search the cold looking for laugh lines and loose change.
Tell them how they maintain an open hand good for grasping and an open mouth good for un-gourging their gapped - toothed grins of wisdom.
You tell them that these people with the wrinkles of a wise man may not have much but they share what they got.
You tell them that no matter where we're from we've all got a little Southern Hospitality stained in our smiles.
Tell them that you'll be fine and pray you're right.