These eyes of mine cry This heart of mine bleeds This soul of mine breaks As i slowly die, the colours of my face fade and my once happy life is know like the walls of a dungeon, black, dark and empty with no one there to comfort me and the one person i thought would be there is the farthest one away from me.Come back i call come back but the more i shout and scream her name the more she walks not even looking at my sad eyes that shimmer with unshed tears. I call her to please come back, but she keeps on walking as if not hearing my pleas, and as she keeps on walking into the light of there scorn and hate, i cry with every step she takes. As my body crumbles to the ground a heap of broken bones, she turns back for one last glance and see's my fallen body, running back to me she calls my name with a desperate tone in her voice. Its to late though for I am gone out of the prison that once held me for so long, never will i return even if she wants me back.