It feels like drowning Sinking in, open mouthed, Gliding across my body Constantly making me swallow
All the gasping for breath He makes my throat feel tight I can feel him everywhere Pushing in on all sides
My body gives in So I finally can let go Decide to give myself to him In ways I’ve never known
I feel empty Please fill me with the water Because when I saw what he is Death never sounded better
My airways close And I can feel his breath Brushing up like air bubbles On the bare skin of my chest
He rocks against me Up and down like the waves Gentle and caressing I let it pull me through the lake
But when I feel it brush against me Like seaweed at the untouchable ground That’s when I feel the urge to flee Back up to where the surface hits I know I can’t get too deep Or I’ll awake and hate to drown