"There is a strange place between just about and not quite" she says and you imagine her jumping off that ledge again and shudder to yourself, think "I can’t ******* do this anymore. I feel like I’ve swallowed a dictionary of her words". She used to say ‘I love you’ and you’d think "from the inside out" 'Fiberscope: a fibre-optic device for viewing inaccessible internal structures, especially in the human body.' She tells you definitions can be beautiful. Swallowing a fish eye lens to try and meet you on the same page, looking over and over into your own insides knowing you can’t get any further into yourself. Interruption "but for ****’s sake I wish you were here", we expose ourselves to the sound of Pink Floyd and laugh our gilded throats slit like we’re going mad around the same carousel. 'Endoscopy: a surgical procedure used to look inside the body to examine the interior of a hollow ***** or cavity. Unlike most other medical imaging techniques, endoscopes are inserted directly into the *****.' She smells like soft skin on a postcard, like holding the thing from home closer and trying to make it part of yourself. You tighten the door hinges when she’s near them like trying to catch her in the inverted gap of the door, expressing the art of a good catch. She could never understand why you were so empty and think "I am golden I am pure ******* gold, when I die they’ll make a suit of my insides" you're Zeus turned Midas, touching her she turns cold, but at least now she's always radiant for you and standing on a podium you made out of her bones when she told you she was struggling with herself, there is a strange place between just about and not quite and one day I hope to find her there.
In my opinion, the best thing I've ever written. Collection: 'She Called it Plant Food'