The fighters edge with fury Trained to get good focused on condition Others train to hurt be aggressive No regards for others A punch thrown with power missed A punch with technique connects better So much to learn work on Bring it all together for the big event Months of cradio so much hate for it Cardio is a fighters best friend Throwing punches taking punches Kicking bags swelled shins tender muscles Dieting to make weight so much discipline Starving for success sacrifice for the price Win by knock out or tko want more The opponent stares in your eyes Show no emotions hide your feelings They are a road block in the path to greatness Need to move them not let them hold you back Never leave the decision in the judges hands Keep remembering what you've done What it takes to get there not accepting failure Comeback for more new plan each round Keep your ground not going down Not the time to miss this opportunity They are rare being there is not enough Conetender not a fake or pretender