If you can’t say something nice. Say nothing. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you can’t say anything nice . Say nothing. Fortunately I’ve been told I’ve a silver tongue
You would not believe me if I told you but Only people with silver tongues never offend Usually they are clever enough to be kind
Clever in the way they talk , the right words Are coming out of their beautiful mouths Now I have been told I have a beautiful mouth That was long ago and I think that man lied
See he was the one who taught Me English And he was just saying this to be nice Yes he said “If you can’t say anything nice”
Say nothing. So I said nothing n I had lots Say. Only I was inhibited not saying anything nice My phobia grew so I learnt poetry by heart Eventually speaking in only pure rhyme The people could see I was different Having no malice against anyone at all. I never would gossip, never sand-bag anyone Never take part in character assassination Give false witness, commit perjury or lie
No I would say nothing if it were not nice. I found that if I only said the good things Comfort them when the were feeling down Eventually they thought that I was a liar.
See a liar needs everyone else to be truthful And I could only say nice things or nothing You know how they told you that if you did
Nothing , the devil would make work for you Or you would be given a silver tongue Then with a silver tongue you’d be a poet. Having learnt all those poems and been nice I wandered the earth reciting poems by heart Now my days are filled with guiding God. God then inspires all poets to write only in PRAISE. With kind regards.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Written by Philip. November 23rd 2018.