When I was a girl of twenty-two years, there was the usual blood, sweat and tears of life that’s lived when no one is watching and naivety is all that’s botching things up, in love and loss and harsh mistakes.
Thoughts of my future rather than my will. Should I not have aborted but stood still to own the truth of my indiscretion, and not lied to my love but made confession? Perhaps he would have decided to stay?
I have pondered much, these thirty-odd years. Renounced the loathing of actions and fears of misguided youth that lives in my soul but will not dissipate though I am old. Continuing on - memories linger.
Wondering what that one life could have been. Wondering if that was really a sin? I question myself each year after year though answers I don't expect to find here in this life - Still I mourn.