She thinks that I am crazy how could this be.....I just wanted her to know how much I love her doesn't she see My hands are tied and lips are feelings for her are my shield For her wish to forget.....if I did this I would regret But how could I ......that sparkle in her eye The way I felt when I was around could something like this even occur Her family was my own they even felt it.....on thanksgiving together we would sit Now the tears they will not stop......when I try to erase the memories my head feels like it would pop For she was always my could she be so mean Time with her I could not erase......every night as I sleep I see her face I am down on my baby won't you please Just don't forget the times we spent and the things we did.......remember that kiss when you were just a kid I am at a loss for words and my hands they shake........the way I felt about you how could that ever be fake So as the lights go down on our romance.......your love always had me in a trance Think of me when the stars they shine in the forget I would rather die When the sun has set and the moon is full.........remember that our love and time together was real and that's no bull