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Mike Hauser
Nov 2018
Thaw & Tenderize (Happy Holiday Special)
I just bought a turkey
In dire need of tenderize
Also a quick summer thaw
As this chick's as cold as ice
Must have froze it in the tundra as
I dive deep into the internet
Where it's got me wondering
Why I myself didn't think of this
It says to tie up both its legs
With a nylon stringy thingy
Hey! Get that out your head!
This ain't nothing *****!
Hook the turkey to the bumper
And take it for a ride
I watched it from my rear view
And mirror on the side
I watched it twirl and tumble
I watched it twist and shout
I watched it as it changed its shape
From inside into out
I thought I heard it gobble
As it bounced itself along
Checking progress at every red light
Tenderized...yes, but not yet thawed
The roads must be colder this year
Then at first, I thought
I hop back into my jalopy
For a few more jaunts around the block
I make it back to my place
Thinking all is perfect all is well
Untie the turkey, if that's what it is
It's a little hard to tell
Now with that part of the preparation done
With the turkey and I safe back home
I plop it into the waiting oven
And gently turn it on
Here we are a few hours later
As the conversations and good times begin
Sitting around the dinner table
My guests all marvel at my hen
There's only one slight question
And they asked me if I knew
I reply...why yes that is white meat
It's just a tad bit bruised
Written by
Mike Hauser
Sunny Florida
(Sunny Florida)
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