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Dec 2012
How does one start or finish?
How many times do you wonder
If you are only a copy of a copy
I am alone
Minding my own business in the white trash community collegeΒ Β peeling dorm roof
Posters line the wall and I imagine this is not her bedroom
The alien posters on the wall
The radio is playing
A steady theta wave of AM static
Until I become it
Or it becomes me haha
...wait who is that laughing?
Said the black haired girl in the corner
"Who are you? (Although I know who she is) Whose bed am I in?

Time dilation thoughts and memories pool within me
And I soak in them
The great being
her voice floods over me
and black ribbons of fingers
Clutch me

Outside a bird sings
I can hear the mechanism of his respiratory system
"I am a bird and this is an exclamation of my instinct!"
I hear his lungs swell and the brass pipes drip cold water in his throat
I hear the compressor on the refrigerator two rooms away click on
I hear the sound of my blood pulsing through my veins
Until my own breathing becomes first nature
I see my own laterally bisected head
How my skull cradles the soft grey blue hue of my brain
The optic nerve branching like brown roots
A pupil perfectly dilated black and the great blue sea of my iris
I am lost in the shadows that reach in from the edges of my mind
Into the darkness my own laugh sounds musical in my ears
Written by
JL  United States
(United States)   
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