Always be careful Traipsing through the wood Mother would say I didn't listen to mother Hardly ever did I listen Frost biting thighs Pacing Not my pacing I can't move A lion stares back at me Paws bigger than my hands Splayed on the ground veins of blood snaking between them I shiver Not because I'm cold or scared I'm just amazed that I'm still alive I take in the lion still pacing Eyes never breaking contact from my face A brown coat Light brown sparks of caramel shimmering Eyes It's been staring straight at me And I haven't even noticed his eyes Teal Light green Silver Almost illuminated A coarse patch in its otherwise smooth mane Four paces Closer Nine paces Closer Our breathing mingles I was already frozen But I could at least feel my blood circulating through my body The slight inflated rise of my lungs Stunning This lion lowers himself Eye level with me And I can move now I get off of my thighs I stare at my hands A tug in my gut and I'm down on the cave floor Laying on my side Across from each other eyes locked I fell asleep heat brushing over me A cocooned blanket This is how we fall asleep For many nights His eyes are always the last to close