You notice how they beefing up security They just taking our rights and no one's wants to fight Government creates problems then offers solutions To the problems they created When in reality they give us the illusion that we have a say in what they do behind closed doors Forget these foolish elections and this so called meeting that seems to only air on two networks or maybe three And they all circumvent real issues And only point out the issues or the obvious rather than offering a solution Its a bunch of loose talk they say things while not saying things Other words they never get to the point They just go round and round until people get dizzy and under a spell It frightens me that people actually think they have an opinion to something that's totally fabricated by the media Yet they will call you a sheep while they are subjugated behind the abattoir gates also now that the winter Olympics are here this is a perfect chance for a perfect plan To engaged a war this is happening just like 9/11 People need to understand republicans go to war And the democrats perpetuate the war So they can keep business flowing as usual a college of corporations Oil and Gas Food Auto Diesel anything to keep the America deprived from natural resources And keep them in the mind state of a slave they will forever champion over us by their inarticulate speeches