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Oct 2018
The path is rocky
full of high hopes
and scarred hearts.

These walls seem to cave in
though underneath its structure
it is well put together.

In my mind I am
always living on the edge,
I totter on my toes,
My legs wobble too and frow
from exhaustion.

This tightrope is tough to walk
but everyone learns how to walk
on the high-rise we call life.

You can't be afraid of the dark
if you want to face your monster's.
You should face your fear
of the dark first.

The anxiety reminds you
of what you think you lack.
Though not many care about
your defaults, they are too busy
thinking about themselves.

Life is like a mystery box,
you never know what you got
until you open the led.

Sometimes you get what you pay for
other times you get more
than you bargained for.

© 2018 By Amanda Shelton
Amanda Shelton
Written by
Amanda Shelton  37/F/Bakersfield California
(37/F/Bakersfield California)   
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