Don't look at her She knows you Sitting in the back of the casino Where only the **** addicts hide Like some AOD group The facilitators crack wise While the ****** addict with the Coffee cup in her hand closes her eyes Never spilling a drop. Everyone is always "tired".
Vice has an anthem singing until dawn The private places people go One more round of chips and dip Naked bodies on the phone Chug chug chug Fasting until spaghetti size Hoarders howling as the garbage man rolls down the block
Human minds oh so twisted Try to straighten it all out The promise of abundance Pockets full Ending up in the suicidal parking lot walk when it all becomes too real
Vice is nice, asks you to come right on in, never says no as long as you have the dough re me.
Don't look now It's looking at you Knows you far too well.