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Dec 2012
Remember that time...
we all were unafraid?
The heart never feared
to continue its compelling crusade

Remember that time...
we all knew the right?
No ideas were left
to cause aΒ Β futile fight

Remember that time...
we all got along?
The soul could not oppose
with thoughts to sing song

Remember that time...
we all oozed with joy?
Only postilion "woe's"
No Greeks, Walls of thick Troy!

Remember that time...
we all were in good health?
No single state of sick
but forgetting which wealth

Remember that time...
we all adored nostalgia?
It's unfortunate- forgetting
history's true miscounted myalgia
Another quick write.
Nonplus~ Misguided, confused
Futile~ pointless
myalgia~ pain
nostalgia~ reflection on passed events - usually fond.
Written by
PoetWhoKnowIt  Somewhere
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