Where might one stand with themself? I am not confused. I just am not sure how to navigate. Many might say I am anilitical and cold But to be so should help me now and forever. Yet I am still trying to evaluate.
I've made one discovery so far: My life moto: "If I've contemplated something for so long, I may as well commit the contemplated action," is not a good life moto. This encouranges a fault: I commit actions I know won't have clean consequences because I've contemplated the actions for a while, yet have not contemplated their results.
Now, I must start fresh and withold from actions and think more. Yet, I have more fun when life is messy. Life is generally stress free for me, Except when I have to live with the consequences of messy actions. But acting without overthinking makes people LIKE you. It makes you seem less anilitical and cold More casual and fun And acting without overthinking makes people DISLIKE you. Makes you do and say stupid actions and words Make you seem too accesible People want what they can't have, Not what bombards them with weird thoughts all day long.
So my plan is to start by honing common sense and self control.