To dream is to reach into the deepest part of the self To seek out and find that which has traversed the Universe And come in the form of what is to be I walk along a path that is my destiny Always wondering what is ahead That which I have already planned and placed into order The dream comes before the self, before the birth Before the One which is to come And I step into the dream with each breath that I take And I wonder at the illusion of what I thought I had to do Just ‘be’ I am told, and that truly is the way, the dream, the illusion into truth Just be in the flow of the life that was recorded and planned To live out all that is meant to be lived To honour that which was walked before and to live that which comes in front of us To dream is to become To dream is to love that which is to come To dream is to be And nothing more
To dream is not to create But to live that which was already created To know, with certainty, that all is As it is meant to be To dream is to take into oneself The wholeness of the Universe And the allowance of the energy That flows through the matrix of the all To dream is to live the truth That we have come here to live To dream is to know That we are perfection And always have been Perfect To dream is to live the dream The creation of life And all it is As it is