It's easy to, Fall fast... Some say not to be afraid, At the same time, Don't be blind. Sand for miles; Waves rolling; Grey as the day. It's hard, When it seems so right; Then reality sets in, As you realize if This continues, You'll never be whole, Within... You ignore what doesn't Feel like the light; Only to emerge With new insights.
If a feeling Signals a siren, Please listen to it.
We only get one life, That's it- Unless you believe This isn't the end, And one day We are each reborn To a new Physical form.
That's what I believe, Some might think It crazy.
We can also live Multiple lives Within this One.
What do I mean?
For instance, When someone Survives a disease And comes out Differently On the other side, That person Emerges In rebirth Within this Same life.
Life can change us In many ways, Good and bad; To be reborn Again.
Hands together, Feeling peace Released.
The waves Roll in as the sun Shines Down on them, Brilliantly.