Being without her and my hands are tied......sometimes it makes me wish when I got hit by that car......I had died She is the only woman I have ever loved......all my life I have been pushed and shoved......I finally found my little piece of heaven and now it's frozen in time just like my life..........I should have made this beautiful woman my wife Why did God make it so hard for me....why did I lie and how could she flee.......if we loved each other why couldn't it be I sit and stare at four walls...night after faith is draining why do I still fight......I love her so much it just isn't right My life is like walking this endless keep on walking but you are going nowhere......and now all of a sudden again these tears they fall Its like a bad movie that you can't wait to end....this story is so sad but to her my love I still send But to the lord I pray..........only then will our two hearts mend