you ask how i could love him and still talk to him after he put me down you ask me how i could put myself in a position where i could be hurt you ask why i have no self-esteem or self-worth but i do i do i have self-esteem and self-worth i value myself above any other i love myself despite the fact that you can't why do i still love him? why do i still put myself in that position? yes, he hurt me before but so have you and i didn't lock you out, did i? it is called forgiveness you have to understand why people do the things they do the reason he broke up with me is because his friend made him she didn't like me so she told him she would tell the school we were doing things we weren't supposed to do if he didn't leave me (which we did no such thing) the thing is i told people the bad things about him i do not know why but there is more good in him he is so good so very good he is a gentleman he is kind and gentle he is trustworthy and has a beautiful personality there's so much more there's good in him that's why i love him you do not see the good everyone has their own type everyone likes what they like and he is mine i love him he makes me happy and by what you are saying you do not want me to have happiness so thank you but i'm going to do what makes me happy and that's being with him and if you don't like that i'm sorry but you're the one putting me down you're the one hurting me you're the one making me feel worthless and not good enough and i found someone who doesn't do that to me so thanks but no thanks i'm fine just where i am