The children of the Ghetto Always in the news They living in the ghetto But didn't get to choose Now they got nothing to lose And everything to prove So many people look down On the children in the ghetto But if only they knew The trouble they go threw But they living their cozy little life In a suburban town where the crimes are few But see the children of the ghetto Didn't get to choose The children of the ghetto have nothing to lose Born at the bottom So it's easy to see why they feel defeat Some didn't get to eat The only escape they have is sleep The children of the ghetto Always in the news Where they only portrayed negatively So they got everything to prove Because one can only wonder how the world could be so cruel The children of the ghetto have creativity Because in their minds they turned the ghetto into a castle The children of the ghetto have to be strong So they are ready for battle The children of the ghetto Didn't get to choose They know what defeat feels like But they don't like to lose The children of the ghetto Don't want your pity No... They just going to take over your city The ones that are always in the news That has nothing to lose And everything to prove They going to take over your city You can only hold people in oppression for so long But no matter how much you hold them down They'll rise up So rise up children of the Ghetto Because you have everything to prove...