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Apr 2010
My halo has plummeted
And I have broken both my wings
I don't think I will ever be the same again
As I no longer have these things

Yesterday I was young and innocent
I had never been kissed
Now I have fallen and can't find my way
And my innocence has gone amiss

What happened to the young girl
Who looked upon the world with starry eyes
Who always told the truth and never felt the need to lie
I am afraid she has been exposed to this world

It is a shame that growing up our innocence does take
And how our halo's plummet from our brow
The way in which our wings do break
And we lose that trusting heart we have somehow
Copyright *Neva Flores @2010
Neva Flores Varga Smith
Written by
Neva Flores Varga Smith  53/F/Rochester NY
(53/F/Rochester NY)   
   Dark Angel
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