When does age stop being an excuse? To be dumb and to be fool? How do we show that this brain was, indeed, did put to use? For reasons not to just be in nor to just be cool?
Why do I even put thoughts into this? Not as if it matters or for anything it means? Is it hope for some improbable bliss? Do we film would-never be seen scenes?
Perhaps it’s pride that dictate us, To look sharp and smart as how they branded us, Yet for a time could they give us a pass? Allow some growth that isn’t a pity fuss?
For some reasons there’s a need to impress, As past actions missed a stretch for one’s consideration, Let me show that I am not a total mess, That I, too, am a driven addition.
Provide me some chances to show, That I am better than what you think you know, I am navigating my way through this world, Let me be and who I am unfold.