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Oct 2018
Over the sky a mighty Raven stalks
Looking down on those who walk
A Knave marches over the graves
A way to his own Death he Paves

The Raven's cry sounds out to all
Alerting them that someone will soon Fall
Death Arrives his black coat and all
Glasses shine and his top hat stands tall

He stands at the gates and he waits
A little Girl rushes over, she does not fear him
Her time has come but she does not retreat
But a second one is due

Deep in a cave a man awaits his grave
Alone with no one else company is all he craves
Soon the tall man arrives and he kills over
For has a way of persuading you over

And With that Death's Wings Beat
And off to the realm of judgement
He returns shortly
His Eyes Focused Squarely
On you
A Halloween Spirited Poem
Written by
Evan  18/M/NC
   Coraline Hatter
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