Behind each skull there is a section of silence Our mind will linger to this abstruse realm A poet's words are derived from such a void An addict's thoughts will loose themselves in this vacuity A corner constantly in the back of our head, a room for our subconscious to dwell But when it's blatantly before me, I find myself blurryfaced by the obstructed view The silence can become violent because when I think is when the voices come out I let myself ponder for too long until I can no longer tell what's inside of me But maybe during this time where I can think, I can use the silence to my advantage Perhaps it's possible to take captive these thoughts, to un-slash my O's and dash my E's Could it be possible to cut ties with the quiet if I make it through?
Thinking too much is what causes us to go from doing okay to not, but once you're in that state where your life is kinda sideways, you must fight your way out by stepping across that bridge of thought. Your fight will look different from mine, but know that I'm going through the same battle. The silence, these doubts, fears, and just dark thoughts you don't know where they come from, it might still be there in the back of your head, but things will get better as long as you keep fighting to polarize your mind :)