Dot 1 Draw join the dots here we go he likes lemon tarts does not eat carrots make him **** as his friends all know and tell him so brain of planets Dot 2 the straight line makes the image well slipping down the perpendicular on to Dot 3 still cannot tell Dot 4 is that an eye or a yes Dot 5 carrot seep into the night I farted Dot 6 lines are sticks pick them up you never know when dot eleven will come about data what is this? The thing in my brain Dot 7 is that what you want in turn for free ******* yoghurt we playing deal or no deal Dot 8 let's get this straight before I forget all about you you asking me this click on the boxes your views for your client Dot 9 Dot 10 **** the right off the picture is clear to me thank you Day Tar go to hell.