I saw the earth in your eyes Every forest And every ocean And I faltered, surprised- As unstoppable and unfathomable As the deepest water Constantly changing but always More powerful, more beautiful, more vast than it seems. As sacred and peaceful As the quietest mountainside Only birdsong and the murmuring of leaves to break the stillness Sunlight dappling the ground with soft gold And not a footfall for miles. As desolate and strange as any desert Sometimes hot enough to burn Sometimes cold enough to bite Harsh and lovely and full of secret life, The anchor of a sky so large it bows out like a sail The captor and nurturer of a thousand constellations. As gentle and close As the air that turns grasses into waves of color And whispers to passers-by of springtime as the snow starts to melt And coaxes dandelions to give up all their wishes To the sky. I saw all this and more And I understood why you feel so out of place. You belong to this world And it belongs To you. We don’t love this place as we should. We don’t stand in wonder enough. We pave over it, we shut it out, we manufacture it And you Are the real thing You belong here like so few people do. That I think Is why you feel so lost.