I last saw her in Santiago ******* drunkenly in a Sub urban taverna parading conceited pride in a twisted union with that ******* heinous maniacal harlequin each in vainglorious throes of their imagined septic mindfuck Debauch celebration of collaboration of succubus and incubus
Some days she is saying Haloa in Hawaii adorned as Sainti Maria the ***** now as Madonna spewing words like a dove acting like a Nun in a Convent the fiendess with two faces hiding her ****** like the ace in lace the malignant serpent crawling in the duality of her neurosis
I last saw her in Santiago In a sanctity of the poisoned insecures with exiguous minds consumed with flaming fears she begs acceptance for inclusion ******* for percieved reflected glory from her fathers' jailers The subjugated souls of chai wallah lives on in grandchildren
So when Santi Maria flirts from honey to beehive Ready to ***** and part thighs and brain for minor pointing gun Feel sorry for a damaged child devoid of a prime core never made only obeisance to past rulers whose discarded cast-offs she wears Her poems enchants but its virulent tools she takes in her body
I last saw her in Santiago A slaved two-faced pretender who sings like a nightingale In sub urban dives she postrates to friendly pats and gropes Melting creeps and hot tigers begging subs for a heady drink Brilliant yet blindsided to **** on knees as her children will too