I am standing by a window when I say it I Can’t Love you Anymore It doesn’t hurt me like I thought it would. When something is a long time coming the moment it arrives a strange relief comes with it.
You are not the same person you once were The boy I loved is nowhere to be seen, You Became so angry with the world you lost your way and yourself along with it. I stood beside you seeing both black and white unable to see the cause of such sadness but when you told me it all made sense A young boy with nothing became a man with much more but the boy remained alone behind closed doors. When I tell you I can’t love you You walk away leaving me at the window looking out at the blue sky I wish I was sad, a love like ours should be mourned. Neither of us turn around, neither of us say goodbye It is done.
When I wake I wake to you and your ocean blue eyes staring at me, like always My heart fills with joy you see you My mind relieved to know it was all a dream
Aren't dreams thoughts trapped in the subconscious?