Words disintegrate into thin air as they’re spoken Memory left to preserve them But memory is unreliable And words are changed like a game of Chinese Whisper As they’re passed on, or left to be forgotten.
Trees grow and flowers bloom, But soon they shrivel up from the cold Or become a sheet of paper - To be used in a classroom and then scrunched up, For the awaiting basketball net a bag of trash becomes.
Music travels through decades as: Mindless hums in broad daylight, To confident whistles as the moon watches, Soon to be shadowed by the arising voices of new generations, Dying with those that hold onto it.
Written words reach thousands, Retold as children’s stories besides fires, Or read before a classroom, But soon, dialect changes, And ancient writings become the memory Of a buried past.
Love is thought to be eternal, But relationships end, Families split apart And death is waiting. Nothing is forever.