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Sep 2018
Far away from any other land a kingdom arose from ocean sand
Their hearts of steel and armor of wood
They defended their people for no appeal and sought honor where they could
A warrior of the Shogun and the Emperor of the divine winds and fallen spirits

Far in the future when the blade was almost out paced
500 warriors stood in the face of an imperial rise
Sword to gun, surely to be overrun, one last charge
To preserve their way at shiroyama

There the warriors of old died, but not completely
For nothing dies eternally
And far in the future a group of warriors Known as Sakurakai
Under Hashimoto thousands of chests stood ready to die, for their emperor

A clash and battle
Chests scattered like cherry blossoms
And when the dust settled Hashimoto was gone
For in Sugamo he was forced and there he died.
A simple poem i wrote in my middle class today about the Showa Restoration
Written by
Evan  18/M/NC
   Shruti Dadhich
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