Pick up the fragments that belong in the basket of the self even while the world suggests what’s retrieved should be shamed an assault where none is meant pharisees err in response when curative is the intent for the traveler off the path
beware gatekeepers of all stripes the outsider or close ally denying unity sought within as the holy guards the breach the victim cast as miscreant targeted to save the group on the altar of the right still the splinters must be amassed
the shards echo rainbow hues scattered on the floor of life spectrums hidden are reclaimed the stacked result fills the sky stars embodied in the depths collected with a net of tears zodiacs reflect the self shining brighter than distress.
The poem “Fragments” was loosely inspired by the song "Beautifully Broken" by Plumb. I mention gatekeepers because a valued friend was abused by one such entity. The holy avenger wasn’t even a member of my friend’s alternative community. They were instead an ally who seemed to not have an understanding frame of reference to the reality of my friend.