I feel I should apologize After hearing horror stories of womb to street stories I realize You're not the monster of the world You are just the monster of my world No less deadly, just only to me. You're harmless as a fly to the rest. You've never run home with needles full of ******, sorry Kay. But many times you have sashayed home with sharpened words ready to rip apart my flesh. You didn't abandon me in the dark and make me scavenge for food before men in suits took me away ...I'm really sorry Kay. But often you ignored my pleas for help, as I begged you to save me from myself.
But now we're here, and I'm still the victim your victim. Yet, I want to apologize to you, and I'm sorry for believing you were a monster when you never deserved that title either. You're just a bully. And I'm sorry I let you get to me.