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Sep 2018
She looked into the jaundiced eyes of the sorry creature. There was no remorse in those slit pupils, only vile hatred spurred on by its most central emotion - FEAR.

"You're going to take us out of here", the young seraphim said bluntly. "This rattletrap is going to crash on that planet. This is our only way out."

But before the doors whispered shut, another had entered the pod. He knew better then to engage Namé at that moment. The pilot had to do his job! That white haired witch was going to make him do it, TOO! As the pair strapped themselves into the swivel seats of the pod, the interloper braced himself for the blinding speed of take off.

The planet they had been circling was mostly blue. There were mottled areas on it which its inhabitants knew as "continents". And swirls of what looked like vapor which were known to those who lived there as "clouds."

The Pod was jettisoned from the Mothership with tremendous G-Force. The stowaway was flattened against the bulkhead. Starchild closed her eyes. the eyes of the pilot narrowed to slits. Off they went into a mystery of how the trip was going to end. Things did not go well.

They circled the planet, getting lower and lower into the atmosphere. The pods were made for ship-to-ship traversing, or maintenance of the Mothership. They weren't necessarily parachute type vehicles. The larger saucer-shaped ships were for the purpose of Planet entry. So the Pod was completely and totally insufficient for the beating it was going to take. Not to mention the HEATING.

The Pod literally started to melt when it reached the lower entry stages of the atmosphere. Then, all of a sudden, a miracle! They entered cold front temperatures over "Siberia" as that part of their world was called by its inhabitants. And the Pod door wickerd open! Stowaway and Starchild both exited in a Flash! Namé had no idea of the other. But the interloper knew exactly who she was. The pilot got caught in the strapping, and screamed piteously as the Pod went down in flames. Game over for him.

Unfortunately for interloper he was caught on the wing of a plane headed out over the Pacific Ocean. His cloak finally tore just over a desert island. And he landed on its sholes.

The Starchild fell into the floes of a snowbank, unharmed though her light tunic had burned off of her body. She herself was impervious to heat or cold. She had been spewed from the belly of one Beast into the bowels of another... EARTH.
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