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Sep 2018
I know you only wanted to protect me,
But why does it feel like y' pushed me
Far beyond into the flames, where
Soul is mercilessly charred..
Although leaving my outsides intact
without being marred..
In life's path I splayed, as I hit a bump
Why won't you support me for my efforts
Instead of building a fallacy out of my dump..
Covering up my fresh bruise and wounds
With unrealistic stories of battles being won
..why is it that you want to please the world.. Why is it that you are unhappy with who I m..
How much ever we mask our imperfections
judgements keep creeping in..
cause that's what we do as a race
Constantly implying yet confining our thoughts
Making n breaking opinions,with never a base.
So I learn to such a world you don't have to prove.. To yourself you have to stay true..
Favour me hence...
If u can't accept me be it,
at least don't assert my commit.
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