to the ones that are heavy burdened and beaten down by the cruelties of life and its wicked ways you are more than the scattered and broken pieces left of life's destructive tools used to pummel you down to nothingness
to the ones that struggle to barely lift the unbearable weight of their parents and peers expectations that grow and spread like flesh eating viruses slowly but surely taking pieces of you away you are more than your labels more than your image but most importantly you are more than the materialistic values that you superficially hold
to the ones that either hold fluttering butterflies or stinging bees in their stomachs you are more than your raging teenage hormones
to the ones that struggle to accept the skin that they live in you are more than the decaying shell that we call our bodies because the most beautiful people are the ones who are quietly unaware of it
to the ones that see life in billions of shades of grey you are more than the color in which you see life in it might just take a lover to rub the dust off your lens
to the ones that feel as though they don't fit in you are more than the conformity you see around you because progress wasn't made without diversity