Escapism is gracing me with a tasteless type of patience. Explains to me that faith is weak and fake when its complacent. Its plain in ink when faceless peeps would state that he is flagrant. Then they believe when blatantly I play to beat frustration. No name I need I came to see whos face will meet the pavement. It drains my peace and trains my beast in waves til he is jaded. To aim my grief is lame I seek to shame the sheep's false statement. In vain I weep in blame I sleep the stage I've reached is hatred.
I wrote this when I got fired from one of my favorite jobs for a written note from an anonymous party about a joke I made about the management having to fire other team mates who were doing too many drugs to my manager. And since the others were really on drugs and had to be let go, I got fired for here-say without any proof or even a tiny bit of faith from my coworkers and managers. Sometimes the corporate world can be soo ******.