Confusion is addicting I devour metaphors and gulp down symbols Forever attempting to conjure a path that is most fitting To finally discover the key to that which fulfills
But I turn down wrong roads Most times I find myself stranded I have no chosen destination to which I set out to go So I am as a vagabond haunted by the multitude of roads
I've sought a saviour But I know I must save myself A total overhaul of my behavior Will guarantee the something else (I seek)
I've been running for so long But now I have no other choice but to collapse For I am no longer strong All my youthful energy has been sapped
If only there was a way I could know for sure I just don't want to make a big mistake One from which I could never turn back
But a silent whisper in my heart Says these words to me "There has to be a better way" And for this way I pray.